
LR2 in conjunction with the Kalahari Book Club are proud to be publishing the first edition of the short story collection Treasure Trails by Cornish based author Simon Lake. With settings as diverse as an Elvis convention in Glasgow, a snowbound bookstore in Montreal through to a populist uprising in Eastern Europe, these fourteen stories capture pivotal moments in the lives of an assorted cast of loners, misfits amd outsiders. Blending atmosphere, imagination and a strong sense of place, the author maps out a compelling landscape where chance meetings bring strangers together as they navigate their way through a range of ordinary and sometimes extraordinary events.

Treasure Trails is now available worldwide in paperback and Kindle editions via Amazon – simply visit your local Amazon site and search by book title and author name. It is not currently available to purchase from the merch section of the LR2 Bandcamp page, but we hope to offer that option to UK customers at a later date.



Simon Lake is a writer and musician who has been involved in a number of projects for the LR2 label – most notably as songwriter for the band The Goodbye Look and singer/songwriter for his side project Autumn Country.

To read a sample story from the book, simply click on the link below:
